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How to Automate Guest Posting Outreach

Tired of sending each email manually?

But I’m sure you have tired emails tools like Mailchimp & Aweber, right?

Whether you have or not it doesn’t matter ask why? they are for email marketing not made for cold outreach.

Any type of cold outreach is a different animal and bulk emailing will drive Gmail angry.

I will show you exactly how to create and automate your guest posting campaign.

In fact, the same method can be used to contact your sales prospects, community building, LinkedIn outreach.

So Let’s start.

For this tutorial, I will assume you have an email list.

For outreach, we will be using an online service named

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How To Create an Account in Instantly

1) Go to

2) Click on Get Started

3) Enter your details and Hit Join.

4) Now got to your inbox and confirm your email.

How To Add Gmail Account in Instantly

1) Instantly doesn’t come with an email delivery system, so you use Gmail, gsuite, outlook, or any SMTP settings.

I would recommend using Google Gsuite, they will convey gmail we are a real business and it will also give you a 2000 email sending limit. Sending emails from gmail

Now let’s connect Gsuite/gmail to instantly.

You can add to 2 ways.

2) Select Gmail/Gsuite

3) Now follow the option shown on the screen.


How To Create Your First Outreach Campagin

1) First, you need to go to Campaigns like shown in the image.

2) Click the button Add New

3) Name your campaign

4) click on the import

5) You have 3 options, I will use google sheets as my list is stored in google sheets.

6) Paste your google sheet link here, make sure to make it public. Hit import.

For this example I’m using a simple Google Sheet, you can add any header you like and use it in your emails. I’m using just 2 fields name & email.

7) Once the list is uploaded, you need to map it with instantly fields, select the correct field and smash the UPLOAD ALL button.

8) Done.

Time to upload emails series.

How to Add Email Sequence

Let us first understand how the sequence works.

Prospects you want to contact are and busy & receive thousands of emails every day.

So reminding them a couple of times can boost your reply ratio by 30%

We will be loading 3 Email sequences, 1) Main Pitch, 2) Follow Up 1, 3) Follow up 2

I feel 3 emails are enough in my business but if you have a longer sales cycle you can add more emails.

Add your main pitch to Step 1, I’ve shown a example below.

Note: if you using first name you need to have in you csv file you uploaded.

If you don’t have your own pitch taken mine

Subject : Inquiry For Guest Posting


Hello [First Name],

Huge fan of your content here!

Since we have been exploring and writing for brands like yours a lot in the past months.

I thought that we can bring some extra value to your audience where we create content on topics, that you might have in your content strategy backlog.

If you’re interested, we can write extended, in-depth, and highly-actionable blog post for you.

I bet it will be a huge value bomb for your audience️ 😉

Let me know what you think.


Simple now load 1 follow up email.

Click Add Step button to add more emails.

One of the best feature is you can set wait delays, like today you send a email now you want auto follow up after 2 days. this can be done here. I set wait for 2 days

Now you second email

Keep on doing till all you emails are loaded, usually I use 3 emails, but for now I will do 2 emails.

Hit save.

Now time to Schedule.

Go to Schedule

Here you have a cool options, to create schedule profiles, for eg: for EST time zone & IST time zone.

Now you have flexibility to send as per your prospect time zone.

Remember we are not doing email blast, we are reaching out. Hence we need to give enough time in between each emails. So set FROM & TO a longer frame.

This will be not blast your emails but send it each email on 5-7 mins gap giving a deliverability boost.

Smash that save button.

Lets go to last option also labeled as Options

Select the mail we added from the drop down.

Keep the settings as default, and of you are wondering what if some replies, will rest of emails be send. I had the same question. The second feature will take care of your concern.

Meaning if some replies the sequence will stop.

Lets talk about daily Sending limit while you are starting keep the setting as default. Later when you have replies & experience you can play around with it.

It’s manage the frequency of time delay & number of emails can be sent in a day.

Congratulations Your done.

Hit the lunch button.